A guide for using our resources

Children will identify things to be thankful for.

Social Studies Focus: Thanksgiving

Social and Life Skills Focus: social awareness

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El libro de dar las gracias / The Thank you Book by Mary Lyn Ray

  • In simple but poetic language, this cozy book reminds us of all the simple things we have to be thankful for.

Social and Life Skills: Crea un frasco de gratitud

  • Gratitude makes people feel happier. Why not start a gratitude practice right in your classroom? Set up a designated jar, and put paper and pencils nearby. When kids feel thankful for something, they can write or dictate it on a small piece of paper and drop it in the jar. You can write your own thank-yous too!
  • When the jar is full, have a celebration, such as a special snack, and read all the thank-yous aloud. Then start filling up the jar all over again!

Scavenger Hunt: Palabras que riman

  • Did kids notice anything special about this mini book? Each page has a rhyme! Together, go through the book and circle the two words that rhyme on every page.

Hands-on Activity: El libro de agradecimientos

Skill: writing and drawing

Materials: El libro de agradecimientos skill sheet, crayons, pencils, stapler, construction paper

  • Each child in the mini book has something they like to do, from making pictures to playing soccer. The children are thankful for things like paper, glue, and soccer balls because these items help the kids do what they love!
  • Pass out copies of the skill sheet. Invite kids to think of something they are interested in or an activity they like to do. They can look at the pictures on the sheet for inspiration. Have children write or dictate to fill in the blanks, and draw a picture.
  • Cut off the tops of the skill sheets, if desired. Decorate a construction paper cover and staple together to make a class book.